
January 1, 2020

A New Year, New Hope!

We have arrived at another January! What is your big resolution? Hopefully, you are NOT repeating your old yearly restart on diets and have-to exercise! This is the year to get all of your weight off...
December 31, 2019

God’s Generous Rewards

Throughout the year, I have been giving tips through these posts to help you develop a heart that is passionate for our Father, CEO, Boss, Five-Star General, King, and Lord! With a new year right around the corner, let’s look at what God gives back when you give Him your heart and passion...
December 30, 2019

God Can Deliver You

May we all reinvest our souls this year in preparing our hearts to be used to build the church of God with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone. Start your new year by reviewing God's salvation. Review the basics of how God has saved us from having to love this earth...