quick weight loss

June 18, 2020

Are Processed Foods Okay?

The liver is a chemical factory that is capable of turning what you eat into the substances your body needs. If you happen to swallow a trace amount of a chemical that the body does not like, such as a pesticide, then the liver traps it and breaks it down, preventing it from entering your normal bloodstream or damaging your liver...
May 28, 2020

What is a Healthy Diet?

To wake up internal control, you must end the lies and believe the truth. Remember, Colossians 2:22 says, “These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings.” There are man-made rules and there are God’s rules...
May 25, 2020

How to Sense Internal Controls

When you start the journey, it is not uncommon to have no idea about what your internal senses are telling you. If you have never looked for the Voice of God from within or from without, you might not know what to look for...
May 24, 2020

How to Start Over with New Hope!

Remember, you are not a failure. You have not overcome overeating because you have applied the wrong medicine to this condition. It is time to start over with new hope. You can change your heart’s focus. And do not be afraid, because you should only fear missing the guiding hand of God for what He wants...
May 21, 2020

Freedom from Eating Disorders

The way to end the entire nightmare cycle of eating disorders is to get to the root problem—you have a desire to go against the will of God and it must stop. The way to end this is to transfer your passion for food—or in anorexia, for too thin of a body—to passion for God...
May 17, 2020

How to Approach the Scales

The body is made of mainly water, and water can fluctuate. If you have been obedient to hunger and fullness, you will lose weight. Therefore, keep food records of hunger and fullness. Do not be surprised if your weight goes up if you are disobedient to the stomach...