
October 2, 2020

A Star of Love

The best visual is that God is a huge Star of Love. His love can travel on love waves into the heart of man and is dispersed thru humans. It is far faster than the thrust of a jet, far warmer than the combustion of fuel, from a more sure and distant Source than solar energy...
October 1, 2020

The Impact of Love

Love affects mankind in a positive way more than any other force on the planet, and yet it remains a mystery as to how to generate it and disseminate it. It is not like electricity that can be engineered, stored and then sent thru wires to an outlet to light up a room...
September 26, 2020

True Freedom

Just as the Israelites were set free from Egypt, you have just been set free to love God instead of the refrigerator or pantry...
February 16, 2020

Seeking God First

May we all emulate Christ. May we find others who are imitating Christ and copy them. Your life will have purpose, and you will find that Living Water when all you want is to be like Christ, whose only focus was to seek God and do His will! We should all beg in our hearts to be the apple of God’s eye like King David. Do you want to have a purpose? Do you want to have a blessed life...
February 15, 2020

Finding God’s Personality

The gentleness and self-control of God-led people is God’s personality coming thru them. Christ was never prideful. David was never prideful. King David danced in the streets when God’s Word came back to His people. He danced to God and wrote songs. He prayed to God and read the Word...