We are the salt of the Earth, according to Matthew 5:13. This used to be a compliment to people. It meant that they added flavor and enhanced the world around them. Now that salt has been on the hit list for the last two decades...
Personally, I do not take vitamins or dietary supplements of any kind. When you are allowing your body to call for exactly what it needs, then it does not need to be fed artificial forms of those nutrients. Basically, there is no need to worry about whether or not you are getting vitamins...
Weigh Down continues to endorse moderation in one’s consumption of food or substance. One can overdose on or overeat raw carrots and become ill or suffer ill side effects from even this practice. Because our goal is to imitate Thin Eaters...
Some people argue that vitamins (natural or synthetic) or herbs are necessary for good health because the soil is depleted. This is not true. When soil is depleted, it makes a smaller carrot than it would if it were fertile...
Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” That had meaning in Jesus’ day and has meaning to most of the world today. Breads were and still should be the staple...
For the most part, all the food groups contain the six basic nutrients. For example, when you eat a piece of bread, you think you are eating just a carbohydrate. No, it is largely a carbohydrate, but it also contains proteins, fats, water [H2O], vitamins, and minerals...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulate and monitor pesticide use and residues in conventional foods. The real question is: Will grocery store food harm you as some have claimed?
The human body, over time, wants appropriate amounts of a variety of foods. Most of the world in all generations—and even among the seven billion living […]
To wake up internal control, you must end the lies and believe the truth. Remember, Colossians 2:22 says, “These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings.” There are man-made rules and there are God’s rules...