
July 12, 2020

How to Tell What You Really Worship

I used to sit in church as a child on Sunday evenings and watch people listlessly drag themselves through the motions of their worship. These are the same people who will apply blue and white paint on their faces to root for their favorite college teams. If you have passion for God, it grows with the years...
July 3, 2020

Love Overflows

The more you love God, the easier it is to love others with the overflow of the heart. I can return love—even to others who have hurt me—because I know He loves me. Others might hurt me, but God’s opinion is so much higher on my list that it does not matter so much anymore what others may do...
April 19, 2020

The Only Motivation that Lasts

You are never going to lose ALL the weight until you finally say, “I am not having a relationship with that food anymore!” Flee it! Turn around and say “NO!” and make a decision to have a relationship with God instead. God is begging you for a relationship. Do not run back to the relationship with food...
April 18, 2020

How to Stay Motivated for Lasting Weight Loss

Let me talk you into wanting God over food or other idols. I have spent most of my life reasoning with people who think they are going to miss the food, and scared that they will be bored or have the emptiest days ever. Turning to God from idols should not even be a competition, and it is not a contest...