lose weight today

July 17, 2020

How to Fix the Heart

Notice that there is nothing inherently wrong with alcohol, tobacco, food, credit cards, or sexual desires. What is wrong is with our heart. Tearing up the credit card is not going to keep our heart from materialism. Making the food have less fat is not going to make our heart less greedy for food...
July 16, 2020

We Cannot Love Both God and Food

We love the master that we obey. And we obey the master we love. We cannot love both God and food. Either we will hate the one and love the other or we will love the one and hate the other. Do not kid yourself—you cannot be in love with God if you are in love with food...
July 15, 2020

How to Fall in Love with God

How do you fall in love with God? Well, how did we fall in love with food? What happened was our hearts became enslaved to food by obeying the food. When the potato chips called our name from the pantry and said, “Hey, come eat me,” we found ourselves listening and obeying...
June 29, 2020

Can You Be Addicted To Sugar or Chocolate?

There are people who override not only the amount of food that the body is calling for, but also the type of food, and go after just chips or chocolate. These people can wait all day as long as they can binge on their salts or sweets later in the day...
May 17, 2020

How to Approach the Scales

The body is made of mainly water, and water can fluctuate. If you have been obedient to hunger and fullness, you will lose weight. Therefore, keep food records of hunger and fullness. Do not be surprised if your weight goes up if you are disobedient to the stomach...
May 8, 2020

You are Not a Failure

You are not a failure—no one can maintain man-made rules for any length of time because they run against the body’s natural eating, and underneath they are increasing the self-focus and greed. It is inevitable that you will eat more and gain more in the end...
May 1, 2020

You Can Change Today!

Look again at Titus 2:11-12, which says that grace teaches us to say, “No” to any worldly passions: For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. Again, stop projecting, for we ourselves are in need of reformation...
April 19, 2020

The Only Motivation that Lasts

You are never going to lose ALL the weight until you finally say, “I am not having a relationship with that food anymore!” Flee it! Turn around and say “NO!” and make a decision to have a relationship with God instead. God is begging you for a relationship. Do not run back to the relationship with food...
April 18, 2020

How to Stay Motivated for Lasting Weight Loss

Let me talk you into wanting God over food or other idols. I have spent most of my life reasoning with people who think they are going to miss the food, and scared that they will be bored or have the emptiest days ever. Turning to God from idols should not even be a competition, and it is not a contest...