Put off the old. Put on the new. To get the new, you have to repent. John the Baptist said to repent and make the crooked roads in your heart straight to be able to receive Jesus Christ in your heart...
This is about getting a whole new life—replacing your old spirit (bad attitudes) with God’s wonderful Spirit (beautiful, loving personality). Those who find this transformation experience a restored marriage, re-established relationships, a whole new positive attitude, and diminished criticism and projection...
Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength... Honestly, even though I know I have felt a love for God since childhood, I do not think that I can totally comprehend this subject of love for God. I know it grows each year I live...
Many wayward hearts live to eat instead of eating to live. Food should be nothing more than fuel—we should drop the passion for food and eat simply just the amount to satisfy the hunger...
Notice that there is nothing inherently wrong with alcohol, tobacco, food, credit cards, or sexual desires. What is wrong is with our heart. Tearing up the credit card is not going to keep our heart from materialism. Making the food have less fat is not going to make our heart less greedy for food...
We love the master that we obey. And we obey the master we love. We cannot love both God and food. Either we will hate the one and love the other or we will love the one and hate the other. Do not kid yourself—you cannot be in love with God if you are in love with food...
How do you fall in love with God? Well, how did we fall in love with food? What happened was our hearts became enslaved to food by obeying the food. When the potato chips called our name from the pantry and said, “Hey, come eat me,” we found ourselves listening and obeying...
Running to God for comfort and solutions makes sense. Do you need a counselor? He knows all truth, and His Word is a light unto your path. Do you need a friend? He is the God of all comfort...
Put on the new life, be born again, and be a new creation by putting the Thin Eater behaviors and mindset into practice. Live like Jesus Christ in all humility and willingness to suffer to complete the will of the Father. Christ did not complain, he simply lived to please the Father, whatever it took...