
April 29, 2020

The Expectation of More

Man-made rules from medicine, religion, science, philosophy, psychology, etc. do not work because they intuitively get you to focus on yourself—your favorite subject. People love the weekly counsel sessions where you pay someone to ask you questions about yourself and pay them to let you talk about yourself without changing the subject for one to two hours...
April 28, 2020

A Typical Dieter’s Day

Let us start off looking at the typical dieter getting up in the morning. Once you decide on a diet, you have to check that particular diet’s list and select the right foods. At work, you talk about diets, which means foods...
January 12, 2020

What Should I Drink for Weight Loss Success?

We suggest that you drink only non-caloric drinks, such as water, diet sodas, and artificially sweetened tea while you are learning how to sense the body’s needs. If you drink sugared tea or sodas, milk, fruit juice, or sports drinks throughout the day, the glucose or the sugar from them will keep your blood sugars up, the result being somewhat like an IV bag in the hospital...
October 29, 2019

Diets and Control

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I want to change the word “self-control” to “God-control.” Dieting and saying “yes” to dieting is wrong because it is person control vs. God control...