
December 26, 2019

Building True Relationships

This Christmas, did you give gifts to people you are close to? How did you build those relationships? Just giving a gift at Christmas does not do it. The true gift of heartfelt LOVE is what builds relationships, and to offer this to others, you must start with a relationship with God FIRST!
December 9, 2019

More Is Not Better

God has programmed an amazing characteristic deep inside each of us: The more you eat, the more you will want…but the LESS you eat, the LESS you will want! This is true for shopping, for alcohol, for drugs, or for self-indulgent hours in the day.
December 7, 2019

Overdue Appreciation

Our Father has created your very life and then gives over and above to fill your life with all you need. May we never give Him one second of grief by ever thinking that He gave us life so that He could have attention or use people to wait on Him or get praise from people...Our Father has created your very life and then gives over and above to fill your life with all you need. May we never give Him one second of grief by ever thinking that He gave us life so that he could have attention or use people to wait on Him or get praise from people...
December 6, 2019

You CAN Be Done With Sin

Just as there were early skeptics who thought pioneer aviators could not overcome the earth’s gravity, skeptics today do not believe that you can be done with sin...The skeptics say that you are wasting your time, you are arrogant, and you are dreaming. When you fall down, they gloat and mock, saying, "Well, what is the matter? I thought you could overcome sin." Skeptics exist inside AND outside the church building, and some even live with you...
December 1, 2019

Not This Year

Did the "old you" eat with abandon at office parties, special family meals, holiday get-togethers, and of course all those treats that are fun to make at this time of year – only to grieve later over the rising scale? Not this year! Starting today,...
November 1, 2019

Rejected by the World, Loved by God

I have found inspiration in the martyrs and the men like Job and Spafford, but especially Jeremiah, Paul and Jesus. Though the world hated and rejected them, you could not take away the treasure in their hearts.
November 24, 2018

Not This Year

Did the "old you" eat with abandon at office parties, special family meals, holiday get-togethers, and of course all those treats that are fun to make at this time of year – only to grieve later over the rising scale? Not this year! Starting today,...